Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Reiki Attunements

Welcome to July!

There have been a lot of changes going on in my life recently. And I do mean a LOT. However, this is not the place to give updates about my everyday life. What needs to be said here is my experiences with the Reiki training and attunements.

I took the course on June 30 and July 1, one attunement each day. The first night was a lot of history and listening. It was a great lesson in patience. As far as the Level I attunement, I didn't experience the extremes that others did. My palms tingled after receiving the symbol, but that was all until it was over. I felt all of what was happening in my life, all of the emotions, and was left with a residual feeling of some serious sadness. This was confusing. I wondered if the attunement didn't work. I left feeling discouraged.

The next day, I asked the master who had attuned me if my reaction was normal. She said it wasn't that common, but not unheard of. She said that the Reiki energy was clearing out all of those negative thoughts and emotions to make room for the positive energy I need in my life. That was very encouraging. I entered the day's training eager and ready to do some work.

We did a guided meditation session before we began. It was there that I met my spirit guide, or at least one of them. I've met him before on the physical plane -- the horse I rode on my vacation in Mendocino, CA. He's a beautiful, fire-red chestnut stallion named Voltaire, but the spirit's name is Aswari. Such an awesome experience. :)

We then learned the three Reiki symbols and received the Level II attunement. Same story here with the tingling palms, but this time when I became aware, I was relaxed, although I had the beginnings of a headache. It lasted all day, even with a few people doing some treatments. The treatments did help, but it always lingered.

We learned to send Reiki from a distance to a partner based on whatever needs they told you they had, how to do a Byosen scan, hand placements for both self treatment and treating others. We did a large group healing session where we had about nine or ten people to a table and everyone received Reiki from the group for five minutes each.

It was such a great experience. I am very, very glad I did this. I can't wait to start using it on some of the animals at the ARL and any of my friends who are willing. :)

Love and harmony all of your days.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


I'm going to start keeping records of my dreams here. The amethyst cluster has really produced some vivid ones that are recallable for only about the next day or two, with the exception of the very first one it provided me. However, I have my own opinion about that one, but I'm going to explore it first and post the results here.

Last night's dream was odd. So totally unlike anything I'd ever do. I was in a classroom that I didn't recognize with some of my former high school classmates. They were ones who bullied me the most in my actual life. I have no grudges (or so I thought; methinks this dream proves otherwise). Anyway, they were all relentlessly telling me off, name-calling...until the point I just starting whaling on all of them. That's weird because I'm not a violent person. At all. I get road rage at the worst, but I would never strike somebody except in self-defense or the defense of others.

I was arrested for it and went to jail. It was in this part of the dream where I realized how desperately afraid I am of having my freedom and independence taken away from me (and how much I really don't ever want to be on the inside of a jail cell!).

All in all, kind of an unsettling dream. Not bad, but definitely very weird.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Pendant :)

I received my pendant yesterday, as well as a beautiful little calcite orb Starlene threw in as a gift. They're both beautiful pieces. The pendant truly emanates a beautiful Reiki energy. I haven't taken it off since I took it out of the packaging, and I don't really plan to (with the exceptions of exercise and showering). Resting above my heart chakra, I know that this piece was truly meant to be mine. I knew it as soon as I'd seen it on the website.

One of the reasons I was attracted to it was the fact that howlite has been used to treat insomnia caused by an overactive mind. This happens to me many nights. So last night, I wore it to bed. At first, I was having the same problems -- tossing and turning, not being able to shut off my brain. And then an idea came to me. I decided to lay flat on my back with the stone resting on my third eye and just meditate.


I was out like a light, and I didn't wake in the middle of the night, either. I slept so deeply that I can't recall any dreams I might have had, which is a little odd. I've started keeping my amethyst crystal cluster on my nightstand to aid my sleep and enhance my dreams. I've had incredibly vivid and recallable dreams since then, with the exception of one or two nights now. I can't wait to add the moonstone to the mix. :)

The calcite orb is a wonderful little addition! At first, I thought I might keep it on my altar, but it seems to have a better fit on my top lamp shelf, right next to my piano.

Calcite is an awesome high vibration stone that will rock your world if you let it! It is also a detoxification gem that will get slow or sluggish or negative energy moving along again, all while purifying and detoxifying your space. Calcite amplifies energy and also cleanses negative energies. It works to speed up physical development, growth, and also aids in spiritual development.

Calcite helps to alleviate stress by removing the negative energies of stress and replacing it with serenity. The energy in calcite will have a positive effect on someone that feels stagnant or has no motivation. Calcite will energize a person, project, and the intellect, therefore it is a helpful stone when studying.

Calcite is also powerful detoxification for the body, working on the intestinal and heart and elimination systems in the body.

Golden calcite is particularly connected to the sexual and creative energies of one's life. It helps to stimulate those areas of their life so that things can start to flow again. I personally use calcite when I feel stuck on a project to get things flowing again. It works well in conjunction with fluorite to help me focus my energies on any particular area.

Good thing I'm receiving a few pieces of fluorite soon, hm? :) No coincidences!

Love and harmony all of your days.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

More new stones!

I was definitely feeling the desire today to add on to my altar and bring some new gemstones into my life. There are quite a few pieces I have favorited on the aforementioned websites, but instead of jewelry, I decided to go with rocks. Starlene infuses the rocks with Reiki energy, too, so I'm very excited to receive them soon.

First up is this three-piece fluorite crystal set.

I have had my eye on this set for a very, very long time. As I was browsing the site today, I came across the listing again and finally said to myself, "If I don't scoop this up soon, somebody else will. It was meant to be mine." Read on to find out why.

Fluorite is a great stone to help you get organized in life, so its a wonderful companion for students as well as for when you are working. These stones are raw and unpolished, some people think that unpolished stones hold a higher vibration to them then the ones that have been polished and manufactured. I think they are all wonderful and these 3 stones are vibrant for sure!

I enjoy fluorite's energy because it is very grounding. It is very helpful if you are trying to learn something, it will help you focus and retain what you learn. Fluorite creates calmness where there was chaos, and is said that if you wear or have fluorite around you in about 4 week time you will have a more calm and serene environment. If you are one of those people that has a hard time being around others because they seem to drain you, then wearing a piece of fluorite will act as a shield and protect you from those energies. Fluorite will also absorb the negative energies that computer or other electronics give off. By placing a fluorite stone near your computer you are allowing the stone to absorb those energies instead of you. Just be sure to clean, clear and recharge your stone often!

And next we have this absolutely beautiful two-piece rainbow moonstone set that I've been jonesing for for just about as long as the fluorite.

These beautiful gemstone tumbles are made from genuine moonstone gemstone and streaked with little black tourmaline pieces. Rainbow moonstone is specifically helpful at opening one up to their spiritual gifts, so if you are in need of figuring things out spiritually, then this may be the stone for you!

These sparkley tumbles would make great pieces for a dream grid to have on your nightstand! Rainbow Moonstone is a great stone for deflecting negative energies and for those that want to work with their dreams, recall them and understanding them. Rainbow Moonstone is also helpful for psychic protection, having it mixed with black tourmaline makes is an earthy and grounding stone too! These are truly two unique and beautiful pieces, you will be sure to love!

Rainbow Moonstone is the stone of new beginnings, balancing the psychic centers and grounding negative energies. It helps one to recognize that new beginnings are in fact the fruition of each ending. It allows one to accept gracefully the ups and downs.

Rainbow is specifically helpful at opening one up to their spiritual gifts, so if you are in need of figuring things out spiritually, then this may be the stone for you!

All Moonstone's are connected to the water element and lunar cycles. Rainbow Moonstone brings calmness coupled with awareness. It can also alleviate many degenerative conditions with respect to the hair, skin, eyes and fleshy organs of the body. It is also said to provide remedial action for disorders related to water such as swelling, insect bites, bee stings, anaphylactic shock, etc.

Rainbow Moonstone is helpful in alleviating PMS, the change of life, and promotes ease in childbirth.

It is connected strongly with the moon and intuition and empathy. The most powerful effect of moonstone is that it is calming to ones emotions. It also promotes intuition, lucid dreaming and empathy. It is best at promoting lucid dreaming during the full moon periods. Women may need to remove moonstone during the full moon period.

Rainbow Moonstone is wonderful at balancing yin and yang energies. It is especially good at helping males get in touch with their feminine sides.

Rainbow Moonstone can be used with all chakras, placed on each one it will clear and open each chakra, providing a loving compassion to assist one through all changes in their lives.

Moonstone is associated with the astrological signs of Cancer.

I even already have plans for all of these stones as far as location. For the fluorite, the largest chunk will sit on my desk to absorb the electronic energy from my computer. The smaller two will be on my altar, probably one on each side of the amethyst crystal. They will be pieces that represent knowledge and organization.

For the rainbow moonstones, one will remain on my nightstand for dream work, while the other will be on Saraswati's left side to signify new beginnings and the recent openings of my spiritual gifts. Mixed with the tourmaline, it will also be a good grounding stone for the altar.

These pieces will also all be charged with Reiki, so I am extremely eager to receive them.

I should be getting that howlite pendant today, by the way! I am really, really excited about it. I've been tracking the package pretty regularly, and it is out for delivery as of this morning. Mail at AIB usually comes in the afternoon, so here's hoping I will have it by this evening. :)

Love and harmony all of your days.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New stones

I went to the other location of Ancient Ways yesterday before work. My main objective was to try to find a birthday gift for Troy (didn't happen upon one there, but did find one later!). The secondary objective was to see if anything called to me. That did happen. Twice.

First, I found this beautiful jade heart. I was excited when I saw it because I had one just like it favorited on Starlene's site, but this one just really spoke to me. It has such a soothing, loving energy to it. It is going to be a pocket stone when I go to my classes, sit on my desk as I do homework, and be placed to the right of the rose quartz on my altar when not in use. It's in my pocket right now, actually. :)

Jade is a wonderful stone for dreaming. It assists with both daydreaming and sleep dreaming. In daydreaming jade helps one to reach and realize their potential and teaches one their purpose. In sleep dreaming, jade helps one to formulate answers to ones problems and teaches you how to apply the solutions during awake time.

Jade also assists with expressing ones emotions via dreaming when used at night or placed under your pillow.

Jade helps you to discover your desires and facilitates you to build those desires into physical reality.

Metaphysically speaking jade helps one to realize the limitations on oneself and achieve their objectives. Jade also helps you to become more aware and wise. It assists you to not dwell about your problems or others needs, but to bring the solutions forward.

Jade is associated with the heart chakra and is a protective stone that is said to bring the wearer harmony and keep them from danger. Jade is also known to attract good luck and friendship.

Metaphysically and spiritually jade helps to encourage you to be who you are. You are a spiritual being having a human experience put in the body you are in so you can learn and grow your spirit. Jade can open your awareness to that as you learn about yourself.
Personally I think jade is a good stone for whenever you are feeling a little lost or confused on your path. Jade will help you to find your way back again.

Astrologically jade is connected with the zodiac sun sign of Aries, Gemini, Taurus and Libra.

Not long after, I was browsing the gemstone jewelry, looking at the variety of tumbled bracelets there were. There were clear quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, jasper, carnelian...and then I saw a lone rhodonite bracelet.

I picked it up, and it practically hummed with the positive energy it has. After purchasing it, I wore it all day at work. While I really do enjoy my job, I felt that joy multiplied. I was less frustrated with people and situations than I normally would have been. Most of my co-workers commented on my more-cheerful-than-normal mood. Read this description of rhodonite, and you'll understand why. :)

Rhodonite is a stone of love, it will help one to either draw love into their lives or be more loving. Rhodonite is a perfect stone to help you feel more love and self love in your life, so its a wonderful companion for healers and people that feel lonely or need more love in their life. It is also beautiful for someone that is working on focusing their energies on more loving thoughts.

Rhodonite is used to promote calmness and help to disperse negativity, confusion, doubt or incoherency. It is a wonderful stone to help balance the yin-yang energies and attunes one with the spirituality of the Universe.

Rhodonite has been referred to as the "stone of love" it activates and energizes the heart chakra.

It is helpful in chaotic situations, providing ones greatest potential using grounding for the emotional and physical energies simultaneously. It dispels anxiety and promotes coherence.

Physically rhodonite has been used to help the joints, heart disorders, arthritis, strep throat inflammation and light sensitivity.

Astrologically rhodonite is associated with the astrological zodiac signs of Taurus

When I'm not wearing it, it is resting around Saraswati's neck. :)

Though there are still MANY pieces I would love to have from Starlene's sites, I'm very happy to have found these two items. Everything in its own time, you know.

Love and harmony all of your days.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I have really been delving into gemstones and all of their qualities lately. I love browsing Starlene Breiter's Etsy sites, Rocks and Reiki and Spirit Jewelers. The howlite pendant in the post below is actually from her. I haven't received it at this point, but she recently moved and is getting caught up with everything else going on, so I am eagerly anticipating it.

In the meantime, there are several pieces I have favorited on Etsy, but there are two that really call to me right now.

At first glance, I wasn't a big fan of the chunky style, but the more I look at it, the more I fall in love. I can see myself wearing this as an everyday piece of jewelry. Turquoise is such a powerful, ancient stone, too, not to mention exquisitely pretty. :)

"Turquoise can be used to balance the male and female energies and bring forth mental and spiritual clarities. It is known as a very wise stone and master healer. It helps to dissipate negative energy to the one called to wear or place it in their environment. In ancient times turquoise was used to heal cataracts and other eye problems. Turquoise can also be used in the attunement between the physical and spiritual planes. It will aid the person in meditation creating a grounding effect while also promoting a "no mind" meditative state. It provides the unconsciousness with a protection. Turquoise can be used to help heal the environment and cleanse ones environment. It is said to change color to warn of impeding danger. In love turquoise is said to help promote spontaneous shows of affection. It is also said to stimulate the initiation of romantic love acting as wisdom and understanding, enhancing trust and the recognition of beauty."

The other piece that really strikes me is this set of beautiful angel wing earrings.

Not that these really have the metaphysical benefits of gemstones, but they are just so very pretty to me. :)

I have also contacted Starlene about which gemstones I could wear or carry when I take my Reiki attunement course in a couple of weeks. Still very excited for it, by the way! I want to get the very most out of the experience that I can, and if there is a certain type of stone that will help me with that, she would be the person to know.

If you'd like to browse her items...
Spirit Jewelers
Rocks and Reiki

Love and harmony all of your days.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Saraswati :)

The figure of Saraswati that I ordered last week arrived on Saturday. I picked up the package yesterday and have only just now found some time to make a post.

I wanted Saraswati to be the centerpiece of my altar. She is the Hindi goddess of knowledge, music, and art, and I feel a connection with those. The literature I received with the statue says:

"In Hindu mythology, Saraswati is the divine consort of Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe. She is the Goddess of learning, knowledge, and wisdom. She is generally shown to have four arms, which represent the four aspects of human personality in learning: mind, intellect, alertness, and ego. The book in one hand represents true knowledge. The mala of crystals on the other hand represents the power of spirituality. A pot of sacred water represents creative and purifying powers. Lastly, the musical instrument, Vina, represents her perfection of all arts and sciences."

I am very glad I went with this particular figure. As soon as I placed her on the altar, she seemed to bring about a very dynamic presence of grace and serenity. It has filled my entire bedroom by this point. All I have to do is step in, and I feel more at peace.

I did rearrange the altar just slightly. After messing around with different configurations, the only change I ended up going with was placing the rock at Saraswati's right hand. It felt right, and it felt better to me not to have it behind her. I couldn't really tell you why. But then I suppose that isn't the point, eh? :)

(Yes, the candle is lit in this picture.)

Last night before I went to bed, I spent some real time at this altar I've begun to create. I did some meditation and prayer and when I actually got into bed, I had the most incredibly serene mind. I slept better last night than I have the entire week I've been back from San Diego. It wasn't perfect still, but it was far better than what I have been experiencing each night.

Having Saraswati on the altar has been the best decision I have made for it so far, aside from the obvious decision to have one. :)

Love and harmony all of your days.